
Covariant return typing

When a subtype implementation overrides a method to return a subtype of the extending type. For example, the builder on the abstract Pizza class returns a Pizza on its build method. The implementing NyPizza concrete class overrides this method but returns a NyPizza class, which is a subtype of Pizza.

public abstract class Pizza {
    abstract static class Builder<T extends Builder<T>> {
        abstract Pizza build(); // build is supposed to return a type Pizza

public class Calzone extends Pizza {
    public static class Builder extends Pizza.Builder<Builder> {
        public Calzone build() { ... }  // build is overridden to return a type Calzone, which is a covariant return type of Pizza

Generic type with recursive type parameter

A workaround for the fact that Java lacks a "self" type. This is also known as the "simulated self-type" idiom. It looks like this: class Builder<T extends Builder<T>>.

When do you need this? Take this as an example:

public abstract class Pizza {
    abstract static class Builder {
        public [SELF] addTopping(Topping topping) { ... }

In the above, we want the addTopping to return a generic type of Self, aka a type of the same type as a concrete Builder that we aren't defining here. Java doesn't support a Self syntax, so instead you have to use a recursive type parameter, like so:

public abstract class Pizza {
    abstract static class Builder<T extends Builder<T>> {
        public T addTopping(Topping topping) { ... }

Telescoping constructor pattern

An anti-pattern in which you provide a constructor with only the required parameters, a second with a single optional parameter, a third with a second optional parameter, and so on until you have a constructor with all optional parameters.


A class definition that follows the JavaBean standard. Essentially:

  1. The class should set all of its properties to be private and only accessible via getters/setters.
  2. The class should have a public no-argument constructor. This means that properties will either get a default value or, more likely, set to null.
  3. The class should implement Serializable.


java.lang defines 8 primitive types that have their own reserved keywords:

  1. byte. 8-bit signed two's complement integer.
  2. short. 16-bit signed two's complement integer.
  3. int. 32-bit signed two's complement integer. Java 8 allows you to represent unsigned integers.
  4. long. 64-bit two's complement integer. Java 8 allows you to represent unsigned integers.
  5. float. 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point number.
  6. double. 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point number.
  7. boolean. Represents true or false, but its actual "size" isn't precisely defined.
  8. char. A single 16-bit Unicode "character".


Distinct from primitives. They must define regions of memory that consist of (1) state and (2) behavior. Objects store their state in fields (aka variables) and their behavior through methods (aka functions). * In Java, all objects are heap-allocated. Unlike Rust, there is no way to specify a stack-allocated object. * In contrast, a locally defined primitive value is generally held on a stack, unless it is owned by an object, in which case it is of course colocated with the object on the heap.

Boxed Primitives

Object-versions of primitive data types, i.e., Integer is the boxed version of int. They hold a value of that primitive data type. Why does Java have boxed primitives? You can get all the benefits of using objects: integer variables can have methods and can be passed to functions/classes that accept objects. For example, List cannot contain any int or primitive data types, they must be boxed.

  • Boxed primitives are stored on the heap.
  • Unless you need the features, you should prefer primitives over boxed. Doing so avoids unnecessary heap allocations and garbage cleanup.
  • Java has a feature since Java 5 called Autoboxing and Unboxing which handles the automatic type conversion to/from primitives to their boxed primitive equivalents.

Value Class

A value class is a class that represents a value, such as an Integer or a String. They can get more complex, like Point, which has an x and y (or more) coordinates.

When programmers use value classes and compare two instances, they typically don't think of the class as being inherently unique. Two different instances of Point(5, 3) and Point(5, 3) are expected to be "equal" even though they aren't the exact same object in memory.

Instance-controlled Classes

A class is said to be instance-controlled if the class maintains strict control over what instances exist at any time. In general, these kinds of classes include:

  1. Enum types (there is only ever one instance of each member)
  2. Singletons
  3. Noninstantiables. Typically instance controlled classes have a private constructor and then static methods for when programmers want to get an instance of the class. The class itself will decide how an instance is returned, and oftentimes may reuse the object.
  4. Immutables. When an immutable value class is instance-controlled, it can guarantee that equality is the same as logical equally and the same as object identity.

Constructor Chaining

A given class may have one or more constructors. Calling a constructor from within another constructor is called "constructor chaining". This is performed within a class (between its multiple constructors) by using this(...). This can also be performed by a subclass calling a constructor of its superclass by using super(...).

Default Access

When no visibility modifier is set on a member or top-level class or top-level interface, the default access is package-private, which means it is accessible from any class within the same package. As an exception, interface members are public by default.

Binary Compatibility

See Stack Overflow

Binary compatibility means that when you change you rclass, you do not need to recompile classes that use it. For example, you removed or renamed a public or protected method from your log-1.jar library and released a new version as log-2.jar. When users of your log-1.jar download the new version, it will break their apps when they try to use the missing methods.

Type Erasure & Reification

Type erasure refers to what the Java compiler does to generic type parameters as part of compilation. Parameterized types are type checked at compile-time, then converted to raw types and execution-time casts. Inferred types (like for wildcards) are also type erased.

// Source code written this way...
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
String x = list.get(0);

// will be type checked, then compiled (basically) into:
List list = new ArrayList();
String x = (String) list.get(0);

Type erasure was implemented for Java for backwards compatibility for generics from before parameterized types were added.

A Reified type is a type that maintains its type information from source through compile time and exists at runtime. As a result, any type that is subject to type erasure is considered a non-reified type.

  • Arrays, despite being "generic" syntactically since they're written like String[] or Integer[], are actually reified, which is partly why they don't interop well with generic code.

Type erasure is also why you can't have generic method overloading:

// this is not possible
void function(ArrayList<Integer> list) {}
void function(ArrayList<String> list) {}
void function(ArrayList<Float> list) {}

// because they would all be type erased to their raw type:
void function(ArrayList list) {}
void function(ArrayList list) {}
void function(ArrayList list) {}

// and you can't define two different methods with the exact same signature.

Heap pollution

Generally, heap pollution refers to any case where a reference to a given type A points to an object in memory that is actually of type B.

Since the compiler inserts its own implicit type casts as part of compilation, you may get ClassCastException errors at runtime despite seeing no actual explicit casting occurring in the source code.

Heap pollution often occurs at the boundary between generic and array code (combining reified and non-refied types), and when type erasure allows something to compile that would fail at runtime (i.e., relying on raw types).

Exception translation

Exception translation is the process of taking a lower-level exception and translating it to a new exception class. Often times this can be done using exception chaining, which is the process of identifying the cause of the higher-level exception as the lower-level exception.

Programmers do this because to avoid propagating the lower-level exception and provide a more descriptive higher level exception that is less likely to confuse clients.

try {
} catch (LowerLevelException e) {
    throw HigherLevelException(e);

Failure atomicity

An object is said to be failure atomic if, when invoking a method that mutates the receiving object the object experiences a failure, that the object should be returned to the state that it was prior to the method invocation.