
A single joint pose has ten f32s of data, or 40 bytes of data:

  • Three f32s for translation
  • Four f32s for rotation
  • Three f32s for scale

Assuming you want to display a 1-second clip sampled at 30 samples per second, this equates to:

\[ \begin{align} &4 \text{ bytes per f32} \\ &\times 10 \text{ f32s per joint} \\ &\times 30 \text{ samples per second} \\ &= 1200 \text{ bytes per joint per second} \end{align} \]

This is a lot! Considering a simple skeleton could have 100 joints in it and a modern game could have hundreds of seconds of animation clips.

Compression Techniques

Store less data per joint

  • If you don't want to support scaling in your game engine (or if most joints don't need it), then omit it entirely, or reduce it to just a single f32 uniform scaling factor.
  • If you don't think a joint should be able to stretch out and shrink in (imagine the neck joint translating away (not just rotating) from the pelvis joint), then you should also just drop it.
  • If we can make certain assumptions about the data, we could omit "the last" f32 of a piece of data. For example, since the four f32s that make up the Quaternion for rotation are usually assumed to be normalized, we could omit the last f32 and derive it later when we decompress it by subtracting the other components from 1.
  • If a pose doesn't change over the course of many samples (it is constant), then a further optimization could be to just store it once with a flag to indicate that it won't change over the course of the sample.

Quantize f32s into u16s

  • Each component of a quaternion falls in the range [-1, 1]. At a magnitude of 1, the 8-bits that comprise of the exponent bits in a floating point f32 are all zero. The remaining 23-bit mantissa provides accuracy to the 7th decimal place. Quaternions can be effectively encoded with 16 bits of precision, so we are wasting 16 bits per float for our quaternions.
  • Quantization is the process of converting a 32-bit IEEE float into an n-bit integer representation. It is lossy.
  • Encoding is f32 to u16.
  • Decoding is u16 to f32. This is the part that is an approximated value of the original f32. This process is lossy, since we lose some precision to store the value.
  • Quantization involves dividing a range of possible input values to N equally sized intervals. The f32 input maps to the integer index of the interval it falls inside. To decode, we cast the integer index into a f32 format it refers to, and then shift and scale it back to its original range.
  • Rounding the float to the center of the enclosing interval and returning the left-hand side of the interval to which our original value was mapped is the best choice for how to do the quantization.

Use less samples

  • Some animations look fine at 15 samples per second. Doing this would reduce our animation data size in half.
  • If the animation operates in a straight line, LERP could be a good stand-in for removing some samples.

Use curve-based compression

  • Storing animation data as regularly spaced sequence of nonuninform, nonrational B-splines to describe the paths of a joint over time allows channels with a lot of curvature to be encoded using only a few data points.

Use wavelet compression

Signal processing theory has a technique called wavelet compression.

A wavelet is a function whose amplitude oscillates like a wave but with a very short duration. An animation curve is decomposed into a sum of orthonormal wavelets.

This is an advanced technique, TBD how it works later.

Further reading on wavelet compression: Animation Compression: Signal Processing

Don't use an animation clip at all

  • If an animation clip has no chance of being seen, i.e., it only plays on certain levels of your game or if the player has achieved a certain level/class of their character, then don't load the memory at all until it is needed.
  • Most games have a core set of animation clips loaded when the game boots. All other animations are loaded on an as-needed basis.